Web Services is a method for communicating two electronic devices over a single network.
XML + HTTP is the basic Web services platform.
Component of Web services:
1. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
2. UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration)
3. WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
Note: You can also use Json for Web Services
- Make Database and table as per need
- Run PHP Script using localhost
- copy the url link of script page
- Open your Google Chrome and add extension "Advance Rest Client"
- Open Advance Rest Client
- Add localhost url and add it to Advance Rest Client Using Select Method(Eg : POST,PUT,GET,DELETE) and also Add the parameter of PHP Script in add new Value.
- Then click Send button in Advance Rest Client it will show results that you web services is perfectly working or not.
Here you can find the code please click below