Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Web Services For Mobile App iPhone or Android Using PHP And MYSQL

Web Services is a method for communicating two electronic devices over a single network.

XML + HTTP is the basic Web services platform.

Component of Web services:

1. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

2. UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration)

3. WSDL (Web Services Description Language)

Note: You can also use Json for Web Services

  1. Make Database and table as per need
  3. Run PHP Script using localhost
  4. copy the url link of script page
  5. Open your Google Chrome and add extension "Advance Rest Client"
  6. Open Advance Rest Client
  7. Add localhost url and add it to Advance Rest Client Using Select Method(Eg : POST,PUT,GET,DELETE) and also Add the parameter of PHP Script in add new Value.
  8. Then click Send button in  Advance Rest Client it will show results that you web services is perfectly working or not.

Here you can find the code please click below

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Expire Session Automatically After A Valid Time Period Using PHP

Here You can find the PHP code to "Expire Session Automatically After A Valid Time Period Using PHP"

Here you can find the code please click below

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

To Calculate Age Using PHP

Here you can find the Age Calculator using PHP.

Here you can find the code please click below

PHP Code To Find Web Browser And Operating System

This will help you to find, what kind of browser and operating system is used to view this page? 
 Here you can find the code please click below

Random image display after refreshing page in PHP

This code will help you to change the background image of a page randomly after refreshing  page, using a function

i.e:- rand();

Here rand (1,5); is used to display 1 to 5 images dynamically changes when a user refresh the page
Here you can find the code please click below

Friday, 4 April 2014

Database Values Preview in browser as Json file using PHP and MYSQL for Mobile APPS Web Services

1. Make a database in phpmyadmin
 2. Make a table with your requred field.
 3. And then wirte code to make json file in php for table which is in database.
Here you can find the code please click below

Code to Preview XML file using PHP and MYSQL in browser for Mobile APPS Web Services

1. Make a database in phpmyadmin

 2. Make a table with your requred field.

 3. And then wirte code to make xml file in php for table which is in database.
Here you can find the code please click below

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Upload CSV File To Database Using PHP and MYSQL

Here is the simple way to upload/import csv file Database.
Here you can find the code please click below

Printing first 50 Fibonacci numbers Using PHP Program

Fibonacci series is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. For example. 0 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5...